Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Latest Letter From Elder Ray Vejnar Reporting From The Provo MTC Mission

From: Ray Vejnar
Date: April 19, 2014 at 6:04:45 PM EDT
Subject: my first real week

Well my P day has changed it is now all day Saturday that means I have all day to write e mails hand do laundry as for what I do I find people on line through a computer system we call chat. it is on people usually just get on to call us devil worshipers and bible bash I have heard just about every question people have about us "mormons" we usually shut them down pretty fast but every now and then we get some one who has done there homework for those people we just tell them to have a nice day and then stop talking to them because they have no desire to know the truth they just want to argue. I have a new comp his name is Elder Hesolp i like him he has a spinal condition that makes it hard for him to walk but he still played collage wheelchair basket ball he is a cool guy. I also get to work in the temple it is a really cool experience I love doing it. some of you know i was trying to learn a language whale at the MTC why not so i am picking up small bits of other languages here and there i can now speak a little in about 7 different languages from Zulu- noyana to Russian-prevet i don't know if i spelled ether one of those right the highlight of today was going to a place called Toconos its a really good all you can eat Brazilian barbecue place. I found one person who is interested in the gospel out of about 1000 this week and her name is Emilee she is really interested but we lost our connection to her right before we could set up a second meeting time she has my e mail and I can only hope she will contact me i pray she dose. there is another girl we are talking to named Angelina she is aw sum she reads the Book of Mormon every night and prays every night as well to bad she is going back to a rehab place that dose not allow internet use so we cant teach her any more only tell the missionary's in her area about her and hope for the best. oh so i don't have pictures this week but next week i will send some out so you can all see my little cubical and my new comp well i gatta go talk to ya nest week.

Love Elder Vejnar.

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