Friday, April 11, 2014

It Wouldn't Be Fair To Not Post Letters and News From Cousin Ray (Elder) Vejnar--His Latest From The MTC

From: Ray Vejnar <>
Date: April 10, 2014 2:28:08 PM MDT
Subject: Re: <No Subject>
I am good my p day is Thursday for now but in about a week I actually start my mission so a lot will change including my mailing address I really am not a fan of the food hear but it is food so I eat my scheduled is really a lot of class time witch we spend learning how to "teach people not lessens" my comp has gone power hungry and I want to say something but I only have about a week left with him and he will be going home he is a trial missionary and he decided he couldn't do it so he is going home and I will just grin and bear it don't get me wrong he is a grate guy and has tot me how to step out of my shell a little but he is a little crazy. my birthday was really cool I got answers to prayers and almost got a baptism also remember how the swim team eat those cupcakes well it happened the same way with the sister missionaries in my branch. I will explain more about in my letter to everyone but right now I am the only elder in my branch that knows how to do laundry so I am kinda pressed for time I will send some pictures too, ok, so read the big one.            

From: Ray Vejnar <>
Date: April 10, 2014 2:38:05 PM MDT
Subject: Re: Hello....
well I am just eating MTC food for now but that might change when I start my mish
I am in training for two weeks then its time to start the work
it is in the MTC but i also get to get away and do a lot of things that other missionaries don't like go to complementary basket ball games.
not yet but as soon as i start the mission yes

my p day is Thursday for now but it could change when i start my mission.

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