Monday, April 21, 2014

"¡¡¡¡¡Casi 7 meses!!!!" Joe's Latest Letter from Argentina

Elder Joseph Anderson During a Day of Service Is Fascinated By An Old Boat (Barco)

From: JosephAnderson []
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 10:28 AM

Subject: ¡¡¡¡¡Casi 7 meses!!!!

Well on the 25 I will complete 7 months in the mission! Its soo crazy how time flies and I cant believe it has been soo long since my first day in the MTC. I guess when your just soo busy all day every dya thats just what Happens. This wee has been tough (as it should be) but we are still working hard to find and teach children of God. We have contacted a lot this week with very little success but Cristian  (who we found after our fast last Sunday) came to church with us yesterday for all three hours and had a really cool experience. He said he really enjoyed it. He is also reading like crazy in the Book of Mormon and he is really curious and intrigued about everything. He has prayed to know if its true but isnt sure that he has got a for sure answer yet, which is fine because we KNOW that the Lord will answer him. Right now we are helping him quite drinking and smoking which my be a little difficult but with the Lord´s help, all is possible.
We had a lesson with the 25 year old we found last week and who came to church with us. The lesson was at the house of an inactive member because they live right next to each other and our investigator doesnt have any chairs. The lesson was very interesting...The member started cooking and cleaning right during the lesson and then brought his guitar out to play and sing us a song. Well my companion started laughing and then our investigator started laughing and I knew I had to bring things back down to earth so that we could get somewhere with the lesson. So after he finished palying and singing his first song he wanted to do another one but I explained to him that we where actually having a lesson and that we can listen to him sing and play after. But it turns out we wont be able to visit Ernesto (the investigator) because he cant commit to any appointments. Its really sad and he is such a good person, who I want to have the blessings of the gospel soo bad. But I have to remember one the the gifts that we recieved when we came to this world and that is agency. Its really hard sometimes but we have to remember that everybody has their agency and that it must be respected. 
Well thats all I have for this week. We have transfers on wednesday but I dont think me or Elder Bingham will get transferred. Thanks for all your love and prayers!!!

Love Elder Anderson

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