Monday, April 14, 2014

Jacob's Latest Letter From Brazil

Grandpa, grandma, Cherice, Efraim and josh... THANKS. I was soo very very greatful for the things that you sent with Elder Cruz!! I was really suprised with how much stuff you sent with them but was unbeleivable excited to receive it. When i got back to the apartment and dumped it all out on my desk it felt like christmas, except better...
I was a little unsure to do with it all and just kind of look at it..
Slowly over the past 3 days ihave cleaned it up. Elder Cruz and his family absolutlly loved having dinner with you. I had dinner with them Sunday night. We talked about it alot and they all loved the expereince!!
I dont really have a lot of time.. But i am loving my mission!! I absolutlely love my oppurtunity to grow and become a better missionary and person! This may be the hardest 2 years of my life, and hopefully this is the hardest 6 weeks of my life but its all awesome!!! PRay for me!! we have a baptismal date for this saturday!! His name is Douglas.
Pray for him please!
And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

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