Thursday, April 10, 2014

Constitutional Musings

In my opinion most, if not all, problems in and around the Federal Government come from a single source: In the name of compassion, and greed, too many Americans are yearning for the Federal Government to not only do things it was never designed to do, but to do things it was expressly forbidden to do. The Federal Government was simply not designed to become involved in social welfare programs. It was designed to keep the states from fighting with other, promote interstate commerce, and provide for a common defense, and really not much more. Social welfare was to be left to the ability and discretion of the states. Because some states failed to and others choose not to become involved in social welfare programs many Americans have demanded the Federal Government become involved. Some for greed, others for power, and some naively in the name of compassion. Again, not only is the Federal Government of the United States not designed to deal with social welfare programs, it's prohibited from doing so by the 10th amendment of the Constitution, among others. Our forcing this square peg in the round hole will one day break the Federal Government apart--you can see the fraying around the seams now.

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