Monday, April 14, 2014

Joe's latest letter from Argentina

Okay dont have much time to write this week but I want to tell you about some things that really had a spiritual impact on me this week.
This week might have been my worst week in the mission as far as numbers go. We planned every hour of every day with back up plans for each plan but literally almost every plan we had fell thorugh...for the entire week. When our plans fell through we contacting a fool and person after person rejected us. It was a very tough tough week. The people here in Corrientes Capital are very different from the people in Formosa. People here are much more difficult to talk to and about 80 to 90 percent of them are hard core catholics. Literally every Sunday there is a catholic church in our area that is soo full of people, half of them are listening from the street.
First I want to tell you about a really old lady member in our ward. She has been a member for about 30 or 40 years and she is as faithful as members can be. This sunday she didnt have enough money to take a bus to church so she walked over an hour to get to church. She got there just in time for the sacrament and she was soo happy! She then limped up to the podium and bore her powerful testimony in sacrament meeting. Wow how Awersome!!!! Later that day we went and shared a message with he and here grandson who is 16 and not a member. She told us that she is going on the district temple trip this week. It is the first time in her life that she has had enough money to go and she we be taking her endowments out. When she told us she had the biggest smile on her face and the joy was through the roof. I am so glad that she now has the opportunity to the Lords house and make more covenants with our Father in heaven.
My companion and I also fasted that we could find some people that the Lord has prepared for us. Sure enough that afternoon after church while we were out working a man sitting outside his apartment called us over and started talking to us. Long story short he has just been through a really really tough time in his life, a rough divorce and a very extreme alcohal problem than put him in a hospital for many weeks. Well he just got out and found a job here in corrientes and Saturday night he told us he prayed to the Lord that he could recieve some help from somebody and shen he saw us walking in the stree he knew that he needed to talk to us. Wow!!! The Lord truly does answer prayers. I know that he exists and that he is my Heavenly Father. I love him very much and I want to be able to stand in front of him on judgement day proud and confident. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and that only through obedience to his gospel and and teaching can we recieve eternal life.
I love you all soo much and I am gratefull for all your love and support.
¡Nos Vemos Chow Chow!

Elder Anderson

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