Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sister Bridgette Vejnar: This has been a hard week!

So this week has been really long, but short. When I think back to things that happened in the week it feels like it was so long ago but then it seems fast because I feel like I just did laundry and I shouldn't have to do it yet, but I do. So nothing interesting happened last Sunday except we went to do a walk around the temple, it was really wet but fun. Then on Monday it was a really sad day because that was our last day with our zone, We all made the best zone ever! We taught Harley for the last time and Harley actually talked and it was a miracle he never told us anything, so it was the best lesson we ever had with him, too bad it was the last lesson with him. Then we taught Luke aka Brother Flinders, it wasn't that good of a lesson but that's what practice is for right? We had to say goodbye to Brother Flinders as well which is really sad because he was the best teacher ever!!! Then we had a last night with our whole zone and just hung out which was way fun but really sad because it was our last night with our zone. Hopefully after all our missions are done our zone can keep in touch, we are all writing each other it's just about getting a hold of each other after the mission. Then Tuesday rolled around and it was our time to pack for California which was stressful because I had to fit 140 lbs into 3 bags, and only 2 can weigh 50 lbs. I don't know how my roommate did it but she managed to fit everything and have more room for more weight! She's amazing!!! Tuesday was pretty boring because the other district wasn't there and it felt like the last day of school because our district was the last ones on that floor in our classroom so it was really quite and I didn't feel like doing anything, but I did because I am still on a mission! Then we had a devotional by Per G. Malm one of the 70's and it was REALLY good! Then after the devotional our district met in our classroom and the elders gave all of the sisters blessings before our mission which was awesome! It was exactly what I needed to hear in my blessing and I know that's because God was speaking through the elders! It was probably the best night of the MTC experience! On Wednesday we woke up at 3:15am to fly to California! We woke up took the shuttle to the train, the train to the tracks and the tracks to the airport. Our flight was at 9:50am and so I called home at the airport which was really awesome! I loved it! Also at the airport this elder came over to my companion and I and asked if we would come be in the room with them with someone wanting a healing blessing so we said yes and after the elder gave the blessing he told us he had a feeling in the MTC to get some oil and have it blessed because he was going to need it before his mission which was really awesome! Then on the flight to California I was just sitting there minding my own business and this guy turned around to me and asked about my name tag and what I was doing and then he was having problems in his life and asked me to pray for him so I did and then after I said it he said he felt peace over come him, like nothing was wrong, so then I taught him a mini lesson and it was awesome! I felt so proud of myself and I felt like if this is how a mission will make me feel after helping others I defiantly want to serve a mission! Then we arrived and it felt and smelled like a rain forest! It is so green here! They have been in a drought so it has been raining a ton! It's a little cold but still awesome to be here! We went to a little Chinese restaurant and I tried sushi for the first time. Not good...But they eat a lot of fish and varieties of different culture food so I have to get used to trying new things. We went to the temple just to look at it and all the Christmas lights are up and it's SO pretty! My favorite temple is still Oquirrh Mountain and Salt Lake City though. It was getting closer to switching companions though so I was starting to get nervous and sad and excited! I had a roller coaster of emotions so I just kept in mind the scripture one of the elders in my last zone showed me and it has helped a lot with everything being so new! It's 2 Nephi 22:2, then I got my new companion her name is Sister Tadevosyan, she is from Armenia. She can't drive so guess what that means! Yep I'm the designated driver which really stressed me out because I don't know where anything is and I don't know what the speed limits are and I don't know how there roads are setup, so our mission president told me to go drive around for about an hour and if I still was nervous then I could switch companions to someone who could drive but I stuck with it and I am glad I did because I love driving it makes me feel in charge, less like a trainee. On Thursday we didn't do much we just went to the store and went to a meeting thing for all new missionaries about safety and what we were allowed to do and what not to do so it was a lot to take in. We visited a recent convert named Latisha and she is really touchy, feely so I didn't really like that but she is super nice, she just turned 22 and is doing really well from before what was happening in her life. Then we went street contacting and I just watched for the first day. On Friday we didn't end up leaving our house till 3pm which is really late and then we went to the store and then to a dinner with some investigators and our investigator has a baptism date for January 3rd. Which is awesome! Even though I don't know her or never taught her it's still awesome! Then we went to another investigators house and it stunk of smoke and they are really bad hoarders so that was kind of scary but they are good people, they just don't want to be apart of the church, we just read scriptures with them and pray. Then we went to Latisha's house again and just said a prayer with her and left, we went to visit her because it was her birthday, so that was fun. Then Saturday we woke up, went excising and then did studies and then we went to a district meeting which Sisters take over Elders once again 3 sets of sisters including my companionship and 1 set of elders. Then we did more street contacting and found a potential investigator named Rudy, so maybe we will have a new investigator. Then we went to the Perez' house to help wrap presents, for service hours which was fun, and the Perez family is really great. Then Sunday we went to church and at church a girl came in and wanted to talk to us because she had just moved to California and just looked up the closest church to her house and it was our church, so we couldn't get her to do a discussion with us because she wants to get to know our church more than what we told her so we gave her all the pamphlets, and a Book of Mormon to read and she said she might come to church on Sunday now that she knows what time it is, so hopefully after the holidays we can get a visit with her and start teaching her! Then we went street contacting some more and found a guy (I'm pretty sure he's gay) but he seemed kind of interested so you never know maybe he could change and become Mormon but who knows. We also got a referral about a lady and she wanted a Book of Mormon so we gave her one, she was busy when we went over but after the holidays we are going to get a hold of her again and see if we can teach her or if she read any of the Book of Mormon. So we have 3 potential investigators, 3 investigators, 1 with a baptismal date and 4 recent converts. Our ward is really small but the members are really supportive, so that's good. On Sunday we also went to a members house for dinner and he made the best cookies ever! They were chocolate chip with peppermint in them! They were really good. There are so many different cultures here it's crazy! I forgot to say I'm serving in the South San Fransisco area, right next to the ocean. We have our own apartment and I drive. It's pretty awesome. I can't believe Christmas is on Thursday! That's crazy It doesn't even feel like Christmas! But I am super excited to skype with my family! I can't wait. I hate that I'm gone for the holidays but it's okay, I only have a year in a half to serve the Lord. My companion doesn't like meat or candy or anything unhealthy. She only eats fruit and bread from Armenia, so I always think shes hungry because I barely see her eat! It's crazy! Hopefully we get some more investigators! This is gonna be a crazy week but full of fun things and hard things to do!

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