Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Elder Jacob Anderson's Latest Letter From The Rio de Janiero Mission

Sometimes it hard being responsible for the work of others. We feel like we are going every thing that we can do help and sometimes it isnt enough. We only have 7 companion ships in our zone. 3 of them have at least one person going home this week and another has a broken new and is not working. I spent the week doing a divions. WITH ALL of the elders. It was cool to see how the Missionaries who have accepted the new goals of the misison are doing there best to meet this goals have litearlly changed.
Our zone had interviews with President this week. We didnt have a single emergency transfer which is really good. The president was happy with us and the rest of the zone.
Today i got on a little later because we playd football and Frisbee with the younger men in our ward. I am literally the color of a lobster. I have never had my legs burn before. THey are soooooooo sooooo burnt. After wards made lunch. We made enough food for an amry.
We couldnt finish.
Other then that the work is going well. We are working a ton here in area. Sometimes it can be difficult because we dont always have the results that we would like but we can let that discourage us.
Jesus is the Christ. His authority still is on the earth today.
Miracles happen every single day. You just need to look for them :)

And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

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