Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sister Bridgette Vejnar: Just Another Fast Week has Past!

So on Tuesday I finally made me a meal! I am so proud of myself for actually cooking something! Then we went to our district meeting and then went tracting for a while because our appointment canceled of course! Then the wind really started blowing! We had to go home early at about 7:30 because trees were falling over in the streets, so there was a lot of traffic and closed roads so we were told to just go home, so our appointment that was at 8 didn't cancel but we had to cancel on them! I was pretty mad because they are just moved and they never gave us there number so now we won't be able to see them again unless they call us. They are less actives so who knows what will happen!
On Wednesday it was fun but not progressive at all! We went to go have our interviews with the mission president, so we had to wake up and drive to South San Fran which is about an hour drive and we had to pick up some sisters on the way, and drop them back off and then we went to a dinner with a member and she took us out to eat and bought us on the menu country fried steak! It was really good and then bought us some peach pie, which I am not a fan of pie but that one was pretty good! Then we went to go meet with Anja and our district leader so she could have her interview for baptism! Then we went to our zone movie night because it was New Years Eve. We watched half of Frozen and half of How to Train Your Dragon 2! Then it was 9:15 which means it's time to go, so we had to drive some sisters back to South San Fran and we finally got home at 10:30 and went to bed at 11:30, so close to the New Year but we had to still wake up at 6 so I just went to bed. But I had a letter that night and it was awesome! I love getting mail and packages!
On Thursday we did nothing but tract! But we found an orange tree and picked some! They were SO good! I loved them so now instead of buying oranges we are going to go pick them once a week because we know where a really close orange tree is!
On Friday we had a busy day, we met with a referral and she is really interested in the church! She asked us if she could come to the baptism and church! It was awesome! I am so excited! Then we went to our dinner appointment and had Olimpia, it's Philippine food and it was really good, we also had spaghetti with this sweet sauce, its dark red and tastes good but gross and I cant remember what its called and then we had rice with like a veggie sauce which was also good but gross. It was all from the Philippians.
On Saturday we did our baptism! It was really good! And our investigator or I guess our potential didn't come to the baptism which was really sad but she couldn't get her ex husband to watch there kid for her. Then we just tracted the rest of the day because our appointments all canceled and our dinner canceled, but we found a lemon tree and picked some lemons, I haven't had time to try them yet though!
Then yesterday Sunday none of our investigators came but our less actives came to church which was really exciting! Then we just had a dinner appointment with more Philippians, and we had Olimpia again and then we had a purple yam pie, it tasted like sweet potatoes so I didn't like it but I ate it anyways, because that's the kind of missionary I am. A member who is feeding us this week asked what I liked and I just told him I would eat anything and he said he would make steak if we wanted but I just said anything will work I am just glad to get a meal and he said he might make seafood, should have just stuck with the steak!
Then we also met a potential investigator earlier this week and we couldn't work anything out with his schedule so we gave him a BofM and told him about the call center in the MTC and how he can take the lessons online with missionaries, because he works graveyard and goes to school. I also got a compliment on my teaching, he said I was very bold and very sure about what I was saying and he said it didn't seem like I had only been out a month, he thought I had been out almost a year! So I am very proud of myself!

Sister Vejnar 

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