Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sister Bridgette Vejnar: First Week in the MTC!

So this was so not what I expected. I heard the food was gross but it's actually pretty good. I was nervous about getting a companion I wouldn't like but we have so much in common! It's awesome! We both did landscaping before our mission, we both love painting our nails, we both shower every night (which is good because I didn't want to annoy her from my habit) we both like about the same types of food, we both have blonde hair and blue eyes, her hair is a little more blonde than mine though. We share a room with one other companionship and they are also in my district but there is 6 beds so we have a lot of space. Our whole district is my companion and I, a set of sisters and a set of elders. It's awesome, in our zone we have about 10-12 elders and just us 4 sisters. So it's pretty intimidating. They are really cool thought. We usually study all morning and then a little bit after lunch and then at 2:15 we have a teacher come in and help us get ready to teach our investigators. We have 3 teachers and 4 mock investigators. Our investigators are Harley, Luke, Steven and then we will be introduced to our 4th investigator on Monday. Harley is really hard to teach, he is very shy and we only get about a 2-3 word answer when we ask him things. We invited him to say the closing prayer and he declined but I know from all the practice I've had my companion and I can get him to say the next closing prayer. Harley wants to know that God loves him and he wants to believe there is a God but he doesn't feel sure about it. Our last lesson was really awkward and embarrassing!!! My companion and I taught him about the restoration of the gospel and we had about a 10 minute lesson instead of a 20-30 minute lesson and during the closing prayer my companion called him the wrong name so I started laughing a little bit and then my companion did and Harley was just staring at us strangely! When we left we busted out into laughter, I felt so embarrassed! When we met with Steven next we were just getting to know him and tried to know what he wanted or needed to know first, so wasn't really anything big. Our lesson with Luke was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! We also taught him on the restoration of the gospel and just so you have an idea his religious background was all over the place he has never stuck with a religion. When we told him about Joseph Smiths experience with how he knew things were right but was missing something, Luke said he could relate and he felt the church's had truth but none of them felt like home. That made the lesson even more powerful because he could relate. We invited him to say the closing prayer and he said he wasn't comfortable doing it we asked him why and reasured him that we don't care if he messes up or doesn't think he knows how God just wants to hear from him and know that he wants a relationship with him. So he said the closing prayer. We also asked him to go to church on Sunday because he went to a YSA activity before and loved it, so we thought he could go to church and see if it felt like home, we gave him a Book of Mormon and told him to keep praying and if he wanted to, to read the BOM, the reason for that is because he thought our church was just like any other church, making things up and telling what we want people to hear, so we gave him the BOM to relate it to the Bible if he wanted to. After the lesson was over we invited him to be baptized! Even though it was the first lesson, in our class we had learned that it's not hard to do, he said he wasn't sure and that he'd have to think about it, so we invited him to come to a baptism to see what its like. He said he would come and was really excited about it, on Monday we are going to teach him about the atonement. I am so excited.
This week I learned so much more about prayer than I ever thought I would. I love it here in the MTC even though it feels like I've been here for a month, the days are really long but I am excited for the decision I've made and I'm excited to get into the field. 
It still is weird to hear Elders and Sisters instead of Brothers and Sisters and its weird to be called Sister Vejnar all the time and it's hard to not call everyone guys all the time and I hate not being able to chew gum but I love this experience. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Sister Vejnar

P.S. Pictures to come, and if you're all wondering I saw Elder Vejnar the 2nd day I was here at lunch or dinner, I cant remember, and my companions name is Sister Huefner.

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