Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Elder Ray Vejnar's Latest Letter From The Provo MTC Mission

     Ok so this week again the biggest problem is just trying to find out if people are going to be able to schedule with us I feel like a lot of people give us empty promises of yeah we can meet whenever so sort something out and then to ignore us all they need to do is not pick up there phone or not answer us on Facebook, so myself and Elder Zahourek where thinking and where about to start our planning session with a prayer and so we where talking about what we wanted to pray for each investigator when this thought came into my mind maybe we need to stop praying that these people will be able to talk with us because God is not going to change peoples minds for us he will not change anyone's mind ever, we need to chose for our self's if we want to follow God. So instead of praying for them to want to talk with us we prayed to know what we need to do to help them want to talk with us more, we have not gotten an answer about that one but I have faith that we will be able to be guided by the spirit in knowing what we need to do. I will be sure to keep you all updated on that.
     I did get a chance to teach someone named Thibalt from France, we got a member to help us talk with him in French it was a really cool lesson and we are so happy that he has accepted a baptism date! lessons with people like him are the best! :) 
     I guess the fun thing that was done this week was one I have started a new diet where I eat only salad I have cut simple sugars out of my diet completely this has made me feel a lot better. This morning me and my friend Elder Nelson tried to run around the MTC for half an hour but this morning it was freezing!! so we made it about 15 minutes and then needed to go back inside, 

     Another thing that happened is I drew this big picture on a board and apparently that now makes me the mission artiest Haha fat chance!  well I took a picture of the drawling just for you all I hope that you all have a great rest of your week and I will talk to you all then! 

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