Monday, August 4, 2014

Elder Ray Vejnar's latest letter from the Provo MTC mission: "Transfers"


  So last week I said that I would be having transfers for the first time well it did not go as I thought it would go. This last week we lost one of the elders in my mission and because we lost him Elder Kitchens his companion was on his own (that dose not work in a mission) so I along with everyone else in the mission thought that this would be a great opportunity to give everyone new companions, when the day came the only change that was made was that Elder Kitchens was moved into mine and Elder Heslop's companionship so yeah I was in a trio, WAS. Anyway things where going well I get along really well with Elder Kitchens because he talks Elder Heslop is not much of a talker so the past 4 months have been really quiet not a bad thing but still I would like to talk a little more than what we do already do sometimes. We did not know how long this configuration was going to last so we prepared to settle in for about 3 months ( the time when we loos another missionary) we moved desks computers told each other what we expected out of this companionship and all that good stuff. About two days ago however we fond out that a new missionary was going to be coming in because he had hurt his leg and could not walk so well and then the trio was broken up! this brake up cost me and Elder Heslop a window seat in the office, and one really great person (Elder Kitchens) so long story short transfers might as well have never happened. haha 
     On to other story's this month I have had a lot of trouble with my missionary debit card I had lost it then got a new one and had to activate it so this week I got a message from my district leader saying you have $180.00 on your card the financial office people said they are not going to put any more money on your card tell you start using it again so this week is the first time I will get to use that card in a wile so time to get spending haha! 
     So I guess this week the lesson I have learned is kind cheesy but true this life we will have some curve balls thrown at us, and we will need to know how to react to them, in other words "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get" and though we may not know what is in store we do know how to react to it to quote Elder Holland "Trust God and believe in good things to come" I know that when we trust God our lives are blessed and though we may not see how what we are going though is a blessing sometimes I know that in the end it will be a blessing! I love this church I love the Book of Mormon and I know this church to be true. I love you all 
Elder Vejnar


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