Monday, August 18, 2014

Elder Jacob Anderson's latest letter from Brazil: "We all hear it but sadly we don't all apply it. Its the simply things that make the difference. Saying your prayers at night and reading your scriptures."

Today was pretty cool. We went to an all you can eat pizza place. I ate 27 pieces of pizza :) yeahh i am not fat just fluffy.. I am just progressively getting to fat. Give it another 14 months. The pizza place was cool because 3 return missionaries (Americans) sat down and ate with us. Yep. I miss the USA. It took me a few min after to snap back to reality. I think its interesting that i have never talked to a return missionary (active or inactive) that doesnt recommend serving a mission!
 Repentance is a slow and bitterly sweet process that brings eternal blessing. So my companion and i arrived in Brazil the same day. We have 2 other missionaries in our house. One of them arrived the same day as me and Elder Kampf(my comp).. Its really interesting to see the progress that we have made and how far we have come! It really has helped me see all of the progress that i have made. I couldn't be more grateful.
It has really been a humbling experience for me and i think especially my companion, I am the senior companion. Since we both arrived the same day you would have think we walked the same path and arrived at the same location. The difference is applying the the doctrine. We all hear it but sadly we dont all apply it. Its the simply things that make the difference. Saying your prayers at night and reading your scriptures.
Well thats it... The powers of Heaven exist on the earth today and are available to bless your life!

And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

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