Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jacob's latest letter from Rio: "We will continue to working in the Branch of Piabeta."

So transfers have been changed to P-day. So yesterday we were informed. I will be staying with Elder Banegas. We will continue to working in the Branch of Piabeta. Working in Piabeta is very interesting as we better know the area and have more investigators to teach it requires that we plan much better. The area is the biggest in the mission and i had a little taste of that this week. We spend about
2 hours on bus going a members house for lunch.. I was pretty blow away I couldn't imagine our area being that big. Our area is the end of the mission and i just kept thinking that we would get of the bus and be in another mission. Later that day I was talking to our Branch President and he showed us a map of our area and were we where. We hadn't even passed half way through our area. Not to mention that we are still living with in another area because we are waiting for all the papers to be completed for our house. So spend a lot of time taking the bus.
So I have often had the thought if we wont accept our feelings, what do we need to happen in our life to choice to believe? I talk with so many people ever day that are not sure.. They don't know if the BoM is true... They don't know if the church is true... They are unsure.. Its very possible that is could be, but it also possible that it is not.
They do know have a evidence either way. This week I had a pretty deep conversion with a inactive who loves the church and everything about it. But he doesn't know if it is true so he doesn't follow the teachings that it provides. He was convinced that he has never received a witness of the church. So i asked, " What needs to happen in your life in order to believe?" He is unsure about the entire of nature of God and doesn't know if God exists but agreed to pray and read The Book of Mormon.. I pray that he can receive and ACCEPT the witness that he needs to change his life.
I think it is important to recognize that we a be ready to accept the things that the Lord will give us. Often times I think we ask questions but the answer will not change our opinion. I love how Lord will bless us and open our minds.
In church on Sunday I was asked to give a talk. It went well considering i was asked to give it min before sacrament meeting started. I was also asked to bless the sacrament which made preparing even more difficult. I only said the sacrament prayer twice... WHICH IS GOOD. I gave me talk about repenting. We had a investigator in church who does some word things with spirits. She speaks with spirits and they dwell inside her. She is scared to change because she doesn't want the people around her to have problems with this spirits. So i gave my talk about evil spirits dwelling cannot dwell in holy temples and how we accept an evil spirit enter our body when we commit sin. We all need to repent and come unto Christ because that same spirit that dwells our body when we die will dwell in our spirit after this life.
As you come closer to repent and come closer to Christ you will only come to recognize more imperfections in your life..

I pretty regularly read in my Preach My Gospel about Humility and Pride. Pride is always step before sin and humility always happens before repentance. Remember that pride is an attribute and spirit of the Devil. Humility is an attribute of Christ and a eternal key in this world and the world after for success.

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