Sunday, July 6, 2014

"Merica day" Elder Vejnar's latest latter

So this last Friday was the 4th of July, or as I have come to know it in the referral center as Merica Day!! The day started off like any other day, I woke up got ready and went to work teaching the gospel to anyone that would listen after lunch me and my companion got a referral, so we called him and turns out that all he wanted to do is yell at us over the phone and tell me and my companion how the Book of Mormon is wrong because there is no archaeological evidence supporting the book, so because this guy had no interest in listening to what we had to say we told him to have a nice day and hung up. me feeling a little angry because this guy just wanted to yell at us and insult us decided that I needed to calm down for the lesson that we where about to have, with this really nice girl who really wants to know more about the church and if it is true. So I said a silent prayer in my head and felt better, the lesson went great, and right after that where the Independence day (Merica Day!!) celebrations! it was nice to hear the musical talents of some of the Elders and Sisters in the MTC at this time. following that we watched the movie 17 Miracles. This movie really strengthens my testimony of the truthfulness of the church, because there is no way anyone would go through all that if they did not know for absolute sirten that this church is true! and that is how I feel today I am 110% sure that this church is true, that Jesus Christ is at the head of it and that the prophet leads and guides the church today! anyway after the movie we went outside to watch the fireworks we could only see about half of them and so it was not a very good show from at least where I was standing but at least it was a show! and I am grateful for that. I am glad I have the privlege to live in this great country. that was the highlight of my week I love you all and wish you all peach love and wellness!
Elder Vejnar        

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