Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Elder Ray Vejnar's latest letter from his mission: "So this week I have learned that sometimes you just need to put your head down and work."

Well this week not much happened that was not out of the ordinary, The MTC is getting more full by the week I look forward to being able to see my cousin Elder Anderson on the 23rd! and transfers will be in about two weeks now so I am excited to get a new companion but I am not to fond of having to let go of some of my investigators, you see in my mission when we have transfers because there is not to many of us and no geographical boundaries we do not have to stop teaching certain individuals so we split our investigators between the companionship and we just fight for the people we want to teach. so this will not be fun but at the same time it will be. 
     So this week I have learned that sometimes you just need to put your head down and work because though we may feel like we are not doing anything important but we need to have faith that we are affecting others lives and though I have not had any of those stories I have heard them and I do have faith that some of the things I am doing are helping others. just something that I feel is important. to remember when life starts to feel dull. Anyway next week should be more interesting to read. love you all 

Elder Vejnar. 

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