Monday, May 5, 2014

Joe's Letter From Argentina: "All I can say this week is that I´m tired, haha. I am soo tired."

All I can say this week is that I´m tired haha. I am soo tired. My companion and I have been tracking like crazy this week to find some people that are ready to receive the message of the restored gospel. I think I have talked to over 200 people this week inviting them to listen to our message and only a few of them agreed. But that´s the work.

I went on divisions to a little town called itati this week. The two Elders that are up there right now are the only two priesthood holders and they have an average attendance every Sunday of around 10 people. The thing that makes it really hard to work up there is that there is a catholic cathedral that is almost as big as the Salt Lake Temple in the tinny little town. Its called the vasidico or something like that. i am not really sure why there is such a huge catholic church in such a small town but I know that there is something called the Virgin of Itati (not sure how it is different from virgin Mary) but everybody who is catholic has a statue of her and prays to her. so about 95 percent of the people who live there are devout Catholics and the rest are just mas o menos Catholics haha. Oh while I was there one of the members fed us alligator meat. It was actually pretty good and I liked it a lot.

We have two investigators right now that have assisted church and are progressing. we are working really hard with both of them and we hope they will progress to baptism!! 

Well that's all the time I have this week. I love all of your and I am way excited to skype my family this Sunday!!!!!! CHOW CHOW

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