Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Elder Jacob Anderson Calls Home For Mother's Day

Elder Anderson and his new friend

For Mother's Day Jacob was able to do a video call home. I was in Greenville, NC, Jacob in Rio de Janeiro, BZ, and Cindy and the kids in Charlottesville, VA. This was a very nice occasion. Joe was able to get on later in the day. The call had lots of people on it as was a little chaotic. We did some screen captures that somehow survived the experience. We don' know how or why, but they're posted here.

Check out Jacob's smile. He's happy!

Jordan is talking to his big brother. At the bottom we have Anna, Alisha, and Joshua on a different computer listening in. Jacob with his thumbs up is reacting to Jordan.

Anna, Alisha, and Joshua being entertained by Jacob. Notice what Jacob is doing in the bottom right to entertain them.

Anna, Alisha, and Joshua being entertained by Jacob

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