Sunday, May 11, 2014

Elder Ray Vejnar's latest: " I now believe that everyone should serve a mission he promised us that we made the most right decision in your life and possibly all eternity"

haha so yeah this week I got to listen to Elder Holland and I now believe that everyone should serve a mission he promised us that we made the most right decision in your life and possibly all eternity he told us of why we serve and how it blesses our lives and the lives around us. I can not imagine how much joy we will have when we are in heaven and here our friends say thank you for sharing the gospel with me. This week was a lot better I am finely teaching lessons to people and having them want to learn. Also this week me and my companion have decided that just because we don't meet with people in person we will still get members present for our lessons by the way every one can do on line missionary work just thought I would through that out there sorry I am not going to wright that much because I am talking to my mom tomorrow and don't want to run out of things to say to her one more crazy thing that happened today tough before I sine off is we went to Red Robin for lunch today and got our hole meal payed for by a guy who just really likes the missionary's I guess its a Provo thing hu haha well I hope you all have a good week and remember if your hart is not into what you are doing then you will find it very hard to progress. If you saw that on my facebook well here it is again haha.

Love Elder Vejnar     

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