Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Latest Letter From Elder Joseph Anderson From Resistencia Argentina

Well my favorite time of the year has finally arrived. THe Christmas season is just amazing, although it is just a little bit different down here in good old Resistencia. First of all instead of snowing it is now reaching the hundreds in temperature with about 70-80 percent humidity. The good knews about the heat though is that I think I am starting to lose a little bit of weight. Also during this time of year all of the fruits on the trees start to grow and we can just walk down the streets eating mangos, grapefruit, oranges, papaya, manderines, and a few other ones that I am not sure what are called. I also have eaten about three full watermelons this week :)
But the biggest reason for which I love the month of december is because it is the time when we remember the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are having a lot of success finding new investigators by using the pass along cards that say He is the Gift. I feel peace and comfort in my heart everytime I tell someone I know the Jesus Christ lives and that he is our Savior. Elder Valverde and I have been working really hard this week and we have found some really good looking investigators. He is really good about helping me keep my patience because sometimes I get a little annoyed with people here but my comp is always there to help me. I am reading the Book of Mormon and Preach my Gospel like crazy. Everyday my companion and I try to become more consecrated missionaries and we can feel the Lords blessings upon us.
I hope all of you have a great week!!!

Un Abrazo

-Elder Anderson (Donde hace mucho calor)

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