Monday, December 8, 2014

Elder Jacob Anderson's Latest Letter From Rio de Janeiro

So this week we spent 2 day listening to Elder Aidikitais. IT was really good. I feel like i am going to be start my mission now. I have a ton of things that i need to change! The biggest thing that I took away is the God is a planner. He planned the world perfectly. He plans so well he already knows the result. We are here on the mission to learn how to make goals and then makes PLANS to achieve them. I have made a lot of goals through out the mission but i havent always had the detailed plans i needed to help me achieve those goals. I have under a year to repent and change. I will learn to be a planner and a goal setter.
I have been studying the BOM very slowly this week and i stopped to study the Tender Mercies of the Lord. The very individual and personally blessing in our lives.. I started to make a list everyday and my first thought was I need to start doing this more often, its kinda hard I am not very grateful! Then as I thought about it even more I realized that maybe my problem isnt being more greatful but I just need to be more obedient so I can receive these Tender Mercies..
Yeah maybe I just do better at them both!

And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

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