Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Elder Joseph Anderson's Latest Letter From The Resistencia Argentina Mission

Yesterday my Companion from Peru decided to cook me one his favorite dishes, Cow-stomach sterfri....I have had cow stomach three times before in cooked three different ways and I told him that I wasn´t a huge fan but I told him that I trusted him and I would eat it if he made it. For those of you who have cooked cow stomach before (I´m not sure how big of an audience you are) It tends to stink like gym locker room when you are boiling it, so yesterday our apartment brought back some good old highschool memories of all the sports I played and all the time I spent in nasty lockerooms. The finished product wasnt too bad but I told him that it would be 10 times better with just regular meet...so there is not need to make the dish with cow stomach!!
The reason I didnt write yesterday is because all of the city buses were on strike and there is nowhere in our area to write and it rained pretty hard so we just chilled in the apartment almost all day and cooked and cleaned.
As I´m sure everybody knows, the whole month on December the church is sending our a huge message called "He is the Gift". We are going to be handing our special cards all this month and showing the small video to members and investigators. However, I´m not sure how much the people here are going to be able to relate to the video because Christmas here doesnt involve lights, presents, Santa Clause, or Christmas trees. Just fireworks and a party at midnight Christmas Eve and sleeping all Christmas day. However the true meaning of Christmas is still not really recognized her so the video are cards will help.
My companion and I have been talking to a surpirising amount of evangelicals, even a few pastores. We have also found a few good investigators that we are really excited for.
I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I read it everyday and everyday I am strengthend spiritually, mentally, and physically. I know that it contains the fullness of the gospel and that it testifies of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I invite everyone to read it daily and experience the changes it makes in lives.
Love you all tons
Nos Vemos CHow CHow!!

-Elder Anderson

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