Monday, December 22, 2014

Elder Joseph Anderson's Latest Letter From The Resistencia, Argentina Mission

Alrighty so Christmas is almost here and everybody is getting super excited, buying fireworks, meat, and apple cider down here in Argentina. This week it rained a ton and always before it rains here it gets super hot and super humid. On thursday before it rained that night it got up to 112 degrees!!! Yeah I thought I was going to be nothing but liquid before we got back to our apartment. Down here our schedule is a little bit different from a normal missionary. Because it gets so hot here and because there is something called the Siesta, (which is just basically a time from about 12:30pm to 5:00 pm when everything is closed and almost everybody sleeps) we go to our apartments after lunch and do our studies during the Siesta until 4:00 pm.
Well here they cut the power during the Siesta when it is super hot sometimes becuase there are too many people using too much electricity. When that happens my comp and I throw water all over ourselves and lay down on the floor to study. That is always super fun...Not. But luckily the rain has been keeping it pretty cool that last few days.
Well my comp and I are still looking for people who have been prepared by the Lord. We are working with a 16 year old named Cristian in our ward. He is so awesome, he has been inviting all of his friends to come to church and read the book of Mormon. We have taught two of his friends so far and they look super great. I hope this kid serves his mission in the states to I can freaking see him again soon. Well there isnt much more than that to write about this week. Today at 6:00 we are having a Christmas activity with our zone and it is going to be super awesome so I´ll send you some picks next week.

-Elder Anderson

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