Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Elder Joshua Anderson's latest letter from the Scottsdale Arizona Mission

So the highlight of this week was Thanksgiving! I have never eaten so much food in one day before. We first had a Thanksgiving meal with a family at 1:00pm. It was really good and we ate a lot of food. Then right after that we went to another Thanksgiving meal at 2:00PM. It was also really good but I thought that I was going to explode. Then we when to have dessert at another member's home. We spent most of our time at member's homes because we were only aloud to go teach somebody if we had a set appointment. So we did get to teach a couple people but not as much as we normally do.
Anyways, we are teaching this Native American women named Sharon. She is a little slow but is super nice and we love teacher her. We found out the last time we taught her that she was homeless for four months until a stranger come to her and told her to get in his car. luckily this guy was a saint and took her to a homeless shelter. And from there she got in contact with a case manager who found her a place to stay. The sad part is that her mother an sister live in Phoenix and would not let her live with them. But she is progressing towards baptism. It was so funny, we got to her to the Mesa temple lights and the whole time she just kept saying wow.
We are also still teaching our investigator Mereciana from West Africa. We are going to do family home evening with them and another family member in the ward tonight at the Mesa temple lights. It should be good.
Some fun contacting story is that I talked to this guy on the street and it turns out he is a pastor for another church. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon by showing him the pictures in front of the Book of Mormon and explaining them to him. He was kinda nice... then he asked me what my name was and I told him Elder Anderson. Then he wanted my first name.... and I gave it to him.... I should not have done that. He started to just call me by my first name, which I never told him he could do. Anyways, it was interesting how the whole mood changed when he started calling my first name, it didn't feel right. Next time somebody on the street asks me what my first name is I wont crack under pressure and tell them that for the next two years my first name is Elder.
well that's about all for this week!

- Elder Joshua Anderson 

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