Monday, March 24, 2014

Elder Jacob Anderson's letter from Realengo, Rio de Janerio, Brazil

So this is my third transfer in Realengo (see the Wikipedia link on Realengo at the bottom). Its my first and only area so far and its pretty freaking awesome, in short i love it. My first companion, trainer, was Elder Riberio he was.. is very cool. We had 2 transfers together or 3 months.. For the most part easy going, we had a great time together. I think we both learned a lot. Our companionship was really kind funny because Elder Riberio is a pretty shy guy. Didn't really like to talk or know what to talk about.
This probably helped me speak the language more because i cant stand being with people have nothing to say. This both of talk a lot because i would try to talk and people who have no idea what i was saying and then Elder RIberio would have to try translate my Portuguese into proper Portuguese. Elder Riberio was the same for teaching. He never really knew what to teach so I started out my mission, literally from day being able to just about always lead the lesson. Oh have things have changed. Elder Leal has a lot more time on his mission. He is not shy and is always talking. I went from doing all the talking to not being able to finish my sentence! Its very interesting to see the complete different he approach doing the work from my last companion.
Elder Riberio we would plan out our day very specifically from hour to hour with back of plans for each hour. Planning with elder Leal is much more spontaneous with more of ideas that we might do though out the day when we don't have a set in stone appointment... Both ways of planning our very different from the other and i have had very good and bad days with both.

Something pretty cool that happend my first real day with my companion . I started personal study with the worst head ache i am sure that i have ever had. I couldnt think and the only thing i wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep until it was gone!! But i also didnt want to my companion to think i was lazy or a baby so i just stayed at my desk and did my best to try and study. I Took a proper amount of medicine and just continued to pray that would be able to work the day. When it was time for Companionship study it was pretty obvious my ability to function properly was impelled. Speaking and understanding Portuguese is something i have to try very much still. Elder Leal asked me if i wanted a blessing. of course i accepted. After we back to studying. It was kind of funny because while reading together I fell asleep at my desk as he was reading. He woke me up and i read my next paragraph he decided to read me alone after that becuase he said he had no idea what lang i was speaking. I fell asleep again immediately after wards again.  After about 10 min of sleeping i woke up and felt perfectly fine. My companion let me know what happened. I was able to work just fine through out the day! I had a slight headache but it nothing that stopped us from working! But because I did have a little bit of a head ache my Portuguese was as not very good. I was speaking with a really heavy accent. I was little pretty upset. Then my companion let me know the blessing that i received, which i didnt understand because of my headache, said that i would portuguese would be the same as a brazalian. This is so awesome!!
I am so very grateful for the power of the lord! I am so very grateful that we have it on the earth today and it can be a blessing in our lives. We have the only true church on earth. We have only the ONLY way to return and live with God again. Continue forward. Treasure the words of the profetas and the BoM for they will lead to to eternal life!
And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

Realengo is a neighborhood in the West Zone of Rio de JaneiroBrazil. The lower and middle-class neighborhood is between the Mendanha and Pedra Branca mountains.[1] It is located between the mountains of Pedra Branca (White Rock) and Mendanha in the northern of the called West Zone of the city, owned and names the XXXIII Administrative Region which encompasses the entire east around the neighborhood. Realengo usually has the highest temperatures in the city, even though the winter nights are often cold because of the proximity to the mountains. Created on November 20, 1815, every year on this day the city's birthday is celebrated with the Week of Realengo. According to popular tradition, its name would have been short for the Real Engenho (Royal Mill) which was Real Eng°, posted on the board on top of the tramway and, over time, became popularly Realengo. However, another source comes from the phrase "Terras Realengas" (Land Realengas) because they were far from the court, as they were called the land of the region. Pedro I of Brazil used to go to the farm ofSanta Cruz (Saint Cross) by the Estrada Real de Santa Cruz (Royal Road to Santa Cruz), passing by the Real Engenho, where he often stayed.

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