Monday, March 31, 2014

Elder Jacob Anderson says, "Thank you, Grandma, for always sending me letters. It's always nice to be able to have something to open and read!!! Thank you Clayton, Rachel, and the little ones for the letters!! They were very exciting to read!

I received some mails this week which is very exciting!! thank you grandma for always sending me a dearelder it is always nice to be able to have something to open and read!!! |Thank you Clatin, Rachel and the littles ones for the letters!! THey were very exciting to read! i really enjoyed the pictures!!  I am always asking myself how can I learn to be a better missionary today, tomorrow and forever. I almost always end up thinking about the members. When I was in the MTC I dont remember which one but a General Authority spoke to us. He talked about the numbers of members we have, around 16 million, and how many missionary's we have, around 70,000. We have about 140,000 converts every year, people baptized after the age of 8. So on average world wide a missionary averages 2 baptisms. I don't remember exactly but
1/3 or 1/4 of all those baptisms had to do with a member before they ever met missionary's.
Salvation is not easy and it is only possible through baptism in the only true church that has the power and authority of God. Thankfully this power and authority has been restored to the today. It has been made possible to feel more joy and happiness in this life and the next because the the Only true and everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. Salvation has been made possible because of this. Do you have friends, family who have no made the sacred convent of baptism? Unless you live in box.. or Utah (which is almost a box)...
kidding... No matter where you life or what you do with your time you know people who have not made this convent or maybe who are not renewing it every Sunday.
I want to challenge you to listent and obey the words of the prophets and help hasten the work of Jesus Christ. The scriptures promsie over and over and over again that if we have faith , a deasire and are dilligent we will receive answers to our prays. Start praying tonight to find people in your life to share the gospel with. To be exact pray to find 12 people that you can you PERSONALLY introduce to the missionarys, or atleast try. That is one person every month. You will literally be apart of the most important work in the world. This is possible and this will make a world of difference. We 16,000,000 members and only 70,000 missionarys. Missionarys are like a Queen on a chess board. You cant win when you only use you queen! You are most effective when you use your pawns wisely and use all of your peices together. This is the same for the missionary work. Have missionarys in your house as often as possible, with someone who is inactive or not a member. They do now only need to come over for dinnner or lunch.
And when missionarys in your hosue use them. Missionarys have been called and set apart by the power of God. They can help you. Ask they for help with how to start a conversation about the gospel with a friend, how you can invaite a friend over with out being push. Ask them to role play with you. Give the missionarys someone to teach when they come to your house.

We have the plan of happiness. We have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We have the power of God on earth today. Be faithful in all things, repent of your sins, renew your baptismal covienent every single week of your life, be worthy of the Holy Ghost and endure to the end. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. LIve it, love it and SHARE IT!!
And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

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