Monday, June 9, 2014

Joe's latest letter: "¡Estoy entrañando un misionero nuevito!

Elder Joseph Anderson with his new companion

Yep so transfers happened last week and I was told that I will be training Elder Lee from Eagle Idaho. He is super awesome! We are working like crazy and we even have a baptism this Saturday for our investigator Reymundo. Its been a little while since I have had a baptism and I am sooooo ready for saturday. Not I whole lot has happened this week other that that. I am in my same area and I am still the District Leader here, but now I am training. Elder Lee is making me remember how hard it was for me my first few weeks. Not understanding the language, and kinda just being lost with everything hhaha. I have progressed a lot more than I thought. I am sooo grateful to have Elder Lee as my companion. He is obedient and has just the most positive sincere attitude ever. I am rekindling some of that fire and drive that I may have lost a little bit in the mission. He is really reminding me to love the people no matter what and that there is always hope, even when I just want to move on the the next person. I have been reading a lot in the Book o f Mormon and the more and more I read, the more my testimony grows and also my desire for other people to read it and feel the same Spirit. We are going to work our butts off this week to try and be the best missionaries possible. The hardest thing for me still in the mission is waking up at 6:30 every morning and doing 30 minutes of exercise. I just home one day its gets easier hahaha but right now Its still really flipping hard!!! Luckily nobody else has hit us in the face this week but maybe next week. Thats pretty much all I have for this week. Please pray for Raymundo and keep sprending the Lords gospel around the world!
¡Les Quiero Mucho! CHAU CHAU

Elder Anderson

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