Monday, June 2, 2014

Jacob wonders what he's been eating and says that his bed is too small he keeps breaking it because he's too big.

Well received some letters this week.. = exciting! I will try to respond to some of the questions but since I forgot the letters at home sooo i am sure i will forget something else.
First of all and probably my favorite question. I have no sold a single BoM (book of Mormon). Though i have given away quite a few.
Second the food can be very interesting and i miss eating in American very much. Everything i have eaten here is very good. Sometimes i do not ask what i am eating because when they kill cows, pigs chickens..ect. They eat everything.. I will send a pictures.
Uhh i have been in the same area for the last 6 months and i had 4 companions including the MTC. OH and i loved the MTC. I really miss home and cannot wait for my mission to end. I am counting the days!!
Kidding but some missionaries literally are counting the days. But i also ABSOLUTELY love my mission and am so incredible grateful for my opportunity to serve. I love almost every single day of the week. My bed kind of fits me, some of the wood planks underneath have broken because the bed sucks and i am kinda big. So sleeping for 8 hours straight is impossible. I have some of the most interesting dreams.

So other then today being transfers cannot think of anything else. We should have heard 15 hours ago about our new companions and if we stay in our area or leave.
MY brother got his mission call. Congrats. I was hoping you would be called for Rio.. oh well..
And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

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