Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Joe's latest letter from Argentina

Alrighty so another week down and I feel like its been only a day....Ahh what to write. Well last week my companion and I did some more divisiones with elders in our zone and it was a great experience. Elder miles is brand new from the mtc and this is his first transfer in the field. He is an amazing guy and a convert from Utah!! yeah la fábrica as the latinos say. His parents are members but have been inactive their whole lives and Elder miles got converted when he was 14 and stayed strong in the church up until 18 when he decided to serve a mission. Just an incredible story and really humbles me and just makes me feel like kinda a bum knowing that without my parent´s support, encouragement, and sometimes forcefulness, I might not be an active member of the church today. It makes me super grateful for my parents and family and super amazed to see and know people like Elder Miles. We have found quite a few new investigators but it is really difficult to get them to church because we live really far and we have to take two colectivos just to get there, which is kina expensive to get there and back just one time. But we are working on it and we know that the Lord will provide a way.
On Saturday we had an Argentine asado (BBQ) with our recent convert and it was pretty dang amazing. The way they do BBQ here is build a fire and wait until everything is burned down to hot coals, find some kind of metal grate thing for the grill, throw some giant chunks of meat/bone/fat (which they call costilla cut or ribs) which are meat cuts that I´m pretty sure do not exist in the states, oh and all they put on it is salt, and finally they let it cook until literally the outside is crunchy. OOOHHH YEEAHHH QUE RIICCOOO!!! and surprisingly enough it is actually amazing tasting, you just have to embrace the fat and eat it with the meat.
Anyway that's pretty much the week, I will be watching the conference in Spanish again because I am only going to watch it in Spanish three times  in my life and because i get mad respect from the Latinos when I watch it in Spanish with them instead of going to the English room with all the gringos.
Love you all

Elder Anderson (Joe)

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