Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Elder Joseph Anderson is transferred to resistencia

Alrighty then so first of all transfers were last week on Wednesday and at about 5 oclock on Tuesday I got a call from the assistants telling me that I needed to pack because I was going to be moved to the city of Resistencia as a Zone Leader. So Wednesday morning I said goodbye to my comp and our zone leaders and header out to Resistencia on a bus which is only about a 45 minute trip from corrientes capital. Well I got the the terminal in Resistencia and the craziness had already started. 27 new missionaries came to the mission last Wednesday and our transfers are pretty crazy here. The zone leaders get an email at about 8 oclock tuesday night and they call all of their missionaries in their zone to tell them if they are being transferred or not at about 9 oclock Tuesday night. Then all of the zone leaders go to the terminal (Bus Station) in their province/area really early Wednesday morning and they coordinate where all of the missionaries are going and with who and where. And the terminal in resistencia is by far the busiest because all of the news have to pass through there and it is right in the middle of the mission so most of the other missionaries pass through there and have to take another bus to another area. Anyway right when I got there I could tell it was going to be pretty crazy and I am now the zone leader so i have to be the on who knows whats going on and how to help everybody get on the right bus at the right time. Anyway I got a hold of myself pretty quick and was able to help everything work out okay. The only problem we had was two hermanas who missed their bus because they were talking to somebody and not paying attention very well.
Well my companion´s name is Elder Truman form Missouri (yeah i know I didn't spell that right, that's what happens when you do everything in Spanish for so long) and this will be his fifth transfer in this area. He has about 18 months on the mission and he is kind of tire of this area. by the way this means I will have over a year in the mission without ever having a companion who is not from the united states. But he is a really good Elder and he makes me laugh a lot. He is really goo at telling stories. We are working hard to help our zone and I know that we are going to see a ton of success. We have 4 brand new missionaries in this zone and five white washes. kind of crazy.
But there are some really great things happening in this area and we had two investigators at church on Sunday one of which will be getting baptized this Saturday. The town is completely different from the city I have been in for 6 months and there is dirt pretty much everywhere, but the ward here is really big and that makes missionary wok a lot easier.
Well that is all I have time for this week, I am soo grateful for the gospel in my life and I know that it is true

Love Elder Anderson (Joe)

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