Monday, September 15, 2014

Elder Jacob Anderson's Latest Letter

This week was just full of miracles. We had all kinds awesome things happen.
First of all we a member guided by the spirit to find a women he is no longer active in the church and her husband(Edwardo) had no interest.
But we ended getting the opportunity to teach Edwardo in the church.
Now his in love the church and is starting the process to get married.
Hopefully we can help him along the way so he can be baptized and have a eternal family.
Second we had a someone in the street run up to us and told us that God told him to talk to us. He explained that before he left his house he said a prayer asking God for help with his family and to give him guidance. He saw us in the street and knew that we were the answer. We taught him the church with the Bishop and the First councilor a few min after he found us. He has 3 kids all over the age of 8 and is legallly married and he came to church yesterday. Couldnt be more excited for the guy.
Me and my companion are doing GREAT. He is my favorite comp so far.
Its very interesting because he is almost dead, he is going home in 7 weeks. I am super lucky to get to serve with him we are learninga lot together. We had very different opinions how to do the work of the Lord.
I know the church is true and the blue book is too. Read it.
And they call me
Elder Anderson

For behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

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