Monday, September 22, 2014

Elder Joseph Anderson's latest letter

Well I know I said that last week went by super fast but I kid you not this week was the fastest week of my entire mission. I will try to tell everything that happened.
On tuesday we had our district meeting whre we talked about commitments and how we can do them bettr to help our investigators progress more. After the meeting my companion and I did divisiones with two elders in our zone and I was with the one who just got here last transfer. Crazy to think that it has been almost a year since I was in his posision, completely frustrated with the languag more than anything else, and now I talk to people and don´t even really notice that I am not speaking english. Man I am glad those first three months are over haha.
on wednesday we had a Zone leaders meeting with Presidente Gonsales, the Area President of south america south. It was an absolutley amazing meeting. He is just such an amazing man and so isnpired in everything that he says. I honestly have never met anybody else who has the scriptures almost memorized lik this man does. And it was cool becuase he didnt come with any notes or anything, just his scriptures and sometimes whil he was talking he would just pause for a scond, lo0ok up at the cieling and then continue as if he were recieving revelation from the Lord in that moment. He basically gave us some really good insite on the way we extend commitments and the importance of the Book of Mormon in everything that we do as missionaries.
After that on Wednesday I went on divisiones with an elder in my district who was in my district in the mtc. Crazy to see how far we have both come in a year and how quickly the year has flown by. And also, we almost got eaten by a bear-dog that really reminded me of the dogs from hungergames.
On thursday we were in divisiones all day but there were a ton of phone calls to help people from our zone come down to resistencia for the night so that they could be on time for the meeting with President Gonzales on Friday. So that was a pretty crazy night we had to organise where everyone was going to do sleepovers haha.
On Friday we had our multizone conference with Pres Gonzales and it was amazing again. He talked about our faith to hav success as missionaries.
On saturday he did divisiones again with other elders in our district and on sunday we had church and ward missionary meeting.
As far as invstigators go we had to stop passing by for pretty much all the ones we wer teaching because they are not keeping their commitments. But no worry because we have the faith to success find more.
Oh and Another story is that some little punks kids threw a rock at me and hit me in the back so I turned around and took off my backpack like I was going to fight them and they all four scattered. haha

Love you all

Elder Anderson (Joe)

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