Monday, November 17, 2014

Joe's (Elder Anderson)'s latest letter from Argentina

Alright so I just got back from dropping off my Guatemalan companion at the office. Kinda sad but I am super excited for him, he is going to go to Utah in April for general conference. I told him that when I come down to Guatemala to visit all of the historical Mayan stuff he has to show me around everywhere. So for now until Wednesday for transfers I will be working in a trio with a district leader in our zone and his companion. We get along really well so the next two days shouldn't be a problem. We will be working in their area so i wont see all of my investigators most likely until Thursday.
As far as everything else goes, there hasn't been too much going on. Elder Julaj and I have found a ton of investigators but hardly any of them have phones and we have passed by for their houses but they haven't been there. Sometimes it gets kinda frustrating but we will find them sooner or later haha. There is this store next to our apartment where some Chinese people work and live and i usually try to talk to them. After talking with them a few times I have realized how much the gift of tongues has really helped me on my mission. One of the Chinese guys I try talking to has been here for two years and he can barely communicate at all in Spanish. From the little that he speaks all I have understood is that "Spanish is hard to learn". It makes me truly aware and grateful for how much the Lord really has blessed me with the gift of tongues as a missionary, and not only me but all of the missionaries around the world.
This next transfer I will most likely stay here with a new companion because President doesn't want to white wash zone leaders, but I am excited and ready to keep working with all my heart. I know that the Lord is preparing the hearts of many and it is out job to find and help them. I know that this church is true and that the Savior lives. I also know without a doubt that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.
Until next week, CHow CHow

Elder Anderson (Joe)

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