Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Elder Ray Vejnar's latest letter from the Prove MTC mission

      Ok so as we all know General Conference was this week and it was truly amazing, and this time around I did not half to go to the gym to watch it! I will send pictures of the mission watching conference. I think that this time the 70s of the church did an amazing job! I think that my favorite talks where by Elder Lynn G. Robbins and how we should not pretend to lower the lords standards to make us feel better but raise our standards to meet God's. I also liked Elder Uchtdorf's talk in how spiritual truths deserve spiritual answers, we get a lot of people that come and talk to us and tell us that this church cant be true because of a lack of evidence, when those things do not matter, because it is a spiritual question to know if this is Christ's church on the earth today I try to remember that all the time! and remember the answers that I have received from my heavenly father! 
      So when conference roles around the chat system is turned off and we are left with nothing to do unless we have lessons that we can teach, we had two lessons planed for after the last session of conference, and wouldn't you know it neither one showed up! We did get to reschedule with both of them, and that was a blessing but it still left us with nothing to do for the rest of that night, we took the time to study the notes we where able to take during the conference and it turned out to be a good time, We also had an investigator message us during this time and tell us that he liked the conference and that he had talked with the missionary's in his area and now has a baptism date for November 1 his name is Sean, and he lives in New York, We where also glad that we had the time to talk to him about this and answer some of his questions and make sure that this is something that he truly wants to do. I know that baptism is a really good thing but I do not want anyone to be baptized if they are going to turn around the next day and say no I don't think I want to do this anymore, It is much better to hear that these people know and want to make this a lifetime commitment to living a Christ like life! I think that study is my favorite thing to I love the gospel and the simple things that I have been able to learn out here. from people that are so ready to hear about the gospel and live it to the fullest. 
     They are staring to do construction here in the MTC and all I can really think about it is man I miss being able to work with my hands it is hard and not something that I think I would do with the rest of my life but it is something that I enjoyed doing. That is really the big things that happened this week I hope that you all had a good week! And that conference was as good for you as it was for me. Wishing you all the best,

Elder Vejnar 

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