Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Elder Joseph Anderson "Cambios"

I didnt write yesterday because I got transfered!!! I am now in a city called goya about 3 and a half hours south of Resistencia. My new companion is Elder Reynolds from Arizona and he is super cool. I am kinda sad to leave me old area behide because the members were so awesome but I know that the Lord knows everything and does everything for a purpose. I am super excited to be here with Elder Reynolds and I am ready to hit the roads and find some people to reactivate and to baptise. Almost everything has changed as far as our goals and the way we work. All of the missions in the South America south area are doing this think where the only numbers we report are baptisms, reactivations, and church attendance every week. It will take a little getting used to but changes are always good to help us learn to adapt. Our mission president says that the only thing that doesnt change in life are the changes. It is so true. 
I havent had anytime to work in the area yet because yesterday I was on a bus all day traveling and today is Pday. Our church is a little rented out house and our branch has about 15-20 active members weekly. I am super stoked to work hard and invite others to come unto Christ. I dont really have much else to say but I am going to try to send some pictures.
Love you all.

-Elder Joe Anderson


  1. Why is the Book of Mormon so much like "Views of the Hebrews" published seven years before the Book of Mormon? Both books originate in the same locality. How is this possible? Check it out for yourself. If Mormonism is true you should find nothing to my claim. Happy researching.

  2. I'm quite curious with this Goya City you've mentioned, hope you could post some pictures of it. Thanks!
